Friday, January 25, 2013

700 million smartphones shipped out last year, 30% of them were Samsung

smartphone manufacturersThe beginning of a new year sees a plethora of reports and statistics detailing the performance of various smartphone companies over the past year. This time it’s the turn of Strategy Analytics, who has published a report looking at the total number of units shipped by each manufacturer in the smartphone market.

Mobile phone unlocking will be illegal by January 26

banner-galaxy-s3-i9300-galaxsim-unlock-120905If you have a network-locked mobile phone in your hands, you might want to consider having it unlocked soon. By tomorrow, January 26th, it will already be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to unlock a mobile phone without permission from your carrier.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Temple Run 2 Arrives On iOS For Free

Everyone loves a sequel - well, Hollywood, the game industry and all their test audiences and money men do, anyway. So, perhaps it should be of little surprise that today’s App of the Day on Pocket-lint is another in a wave of hit app second comings. You played the original, you powered up until you could power up no more, now you can download the part deux. Sneakers at the ready, it’s...